Talarm(2) Oct. 1, 1991 Talarm(2) NAME Talarm - schedule an alarm to occur SYNOPSIS LONG Talarm( LONG time ); DESCRIPTION If time is greater than 0, schedule a SIGALRM signal to be delivered to the process that many seconds from now. Note that unless a handler for SIGALRM has been established by means of the Psignal function, then the signal will kill the process. If time == 0, then any previously scheduled alarm is can- celled. If time is negative, then no change is made to what alarms are scheduled; in this case, only the returned value (the number of seconds left before any alarm) is of interest. RETURNS If an alarm had been scheduled before this call to Talarm, return the number of seconds remaining until that previously scheduled alarm. Otherwise, return 0. SEE ALSO Pause(2), Psignal(2) BUGS Internal calculations are done in milliseconds, not seconds, so the returned value is not exactly accurate. For the same reason, setting an alarm more than 2 million seconds or so into the future will not work correctly. Version 0.9 Last change: MiNT Programmer's Manual 1